DarkW's Cave!

Annie -- Writeup

Summary - Medium rated TryHackMe machine which is pretty straight forward, has vulnerable anydesk installed and we abuse that to get initial access and for privilege escalation we take advantage of...

Common Practice While Using Internet

Summary - Internet is huge but it has its pros and cons. With the increasing amount of scams, tracking on internet, I think it is very easy to fall for them if you don’t follow the basics. In this ...

Plotted-LMS -- Writeup

Summary - Hard rated TryHackMe machine containing several rabbit holes(Rickrolls) and a vulnerable or let’s say badly configured moodle server which can be used to gain initial access. After then f...

Ollie -- Writeup

Summary - Medium rated TryHackMe machine containing misconfigured web application which is leveraged to get initial access. For privilege escalation there is credential reuse and abuse of system ti...

Oh My WebServer -- Writeup

Summary - Medium rated machine whose Apache server is vulnerable(cve-2021-42013) to path traversal and rce. After getting initial access, we have to escape docker. Enumeration - nmap, here we go… ...

Flatline -- Writeup

Summary - Easy rated Windows machine which is pretty fun and straight forward. For initial access we use freeswitch’s vulnerability and for privilege escation there are a couple ways, I used prints...

Plotted-TMS -- Writeup

Summary - Easy rated machine which is pretty straight forward except there are some rabbit holes. But as the description says, everything is plotted here. Enumeration - Nmap, here we go… nmap - # ...

0day -- Writeup

Summary - Pretty fun room which involves a pretty famous vulnerability named as Shellshock. And once we get initial access to machine we can enumerate and get root privileges via overlayfs privileg...

BountyHunter -- Writeup

Summary - Easy rated Hackthebox machine. To get initial access, have to do XXE with the help of other information. Also, privilege escalation is pretty tricky as well… Have to create a certain .md ...

Wonderland -- Writeup

Summary - “Fall down the rabbit hole and enter wonderland.” As the room descriptions says, pretty fun machine just don’t get caught in rabbit holes. Enumeration - Lets run quick nmap scan. sudo n...