Summary -
Medium rated machine based on the Mr. Robot show. For initial access we have to do some bruteforcing and abuse wordpress vulnerability and then suid abuse to get root.
Enumeration -
Lets run quick nmap scan.
sudo nmap -A <ip>
This returned 2 open ports.
port | service |
22 | SSH |
80 | Web server |
443 | Web server (HTTPS) |
Let’s enumerate port 80. Hmm… Interesting page. Let’s check /robots.txt.
So, we found the first key. Also, we got some wordlist.
Lets directory burst.
dirsearch -u url -e php,txt,html -x 400,401,403 -w wordlist
Found /wp-admin/ page which redirects to login.
Exploitation -
We can try to bruteforce username/password using that but since this is Mr Robot box let’s guess the username and try Elliot.
Bingo! Wordpress says wrong password for username Elliot. Let’s bruteforce password using the wordlist we got above but before that I noticed this contains so many words and duplicates. Let’s sort it out using below commmand.
sort fsocity.dlc | uniq > fsocity-sorted.dlc
Now, lets bruteforce with sorted wordlist.
wpscan --url http://ip/ -U Elliot -P fsocity-sorted.dlc
And we found the password. Let’s get shell by uploading php shell as theme. If you don’t what this is do wordpress theme exploit reverse shell search on Google.
And we got daemon user.
Post Exploitation -
Run linpeas and you’ll see nmap is running as suid.
Let’s exploit it to get root.
/usr/local/bin/nmap --interactive